About the Photographer Jamal Harrell:
Jamal Harrell has many varied and fascinating interests. As an ordained minister for over 20 years now, volunteerism has been a corner stone of his life. His ministry has taken him to urban renewal projects in the Northeastern, Southern and Midwestern US, disaster relief reconstruction teams in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida after Hurricanes Katrina and Andrew, international volunteer construction work of bible educational centers in South America and the Caribbean, prison ministry in the US Federal Correctional Institutions and many other assignments both here in the US and abroad.
He is also the owner of a design/build firm, JAMSHAR Consultants, which specializes in sustainable construction. Having received a global education by living and working in many different places, Jamal has developed an understanding between the nexus of decisions and consequences. The choice “to do” or “not to do” lies solely under the banner of “Free Will” so the consequences are also ours to have and to hold. JAMSHAR’s motto is “Sustainable Construction is no longer an option…It is an Obligation. Now is the time to THINK GLOBALLY & ACT LOCALLY!” This call to personal responsibility can get lost in the hectic day to day struggle of mankind yet photography has the power to stop time in its tracks and freeze that moment indefinitely. By looking at a slice of our life, our surroundings and our planet, we can see “WHAT” our relationship to each other is and “WHY” we are inexorably linked. I hope while visiting this site, the time spent sharing my view of life through the small aperture of the lens inspires, compels, and motivates you to take a moment to really meditate on your purpose for being here. Also, how your choices can show your appreciation for the gift of life and the gift of our earth.
My father, William B. Harrell, (PHOTO ABOVE) along with being a civil engineer was also a professional photographer. He taught me from my youth to “look for angels in the architecture, always look up”. The point being, beauty is not always readily apparent in life, in your surroundings or even in people. Sometimes you have to be “actively” looking for that beauty. Rest assured it is there, you just have to look around, look closely and many times just look up.
Thanks for the lessons Dad.
This site is dedicated to him...See you soon.